model reborn/forceuser - you get a regular red one model reborn/acrobat - you get a bluish one model reborn/fencer - you get a tealish green one model reborn/boss - you get a cool, shiny, red reborn with a shiny blue arm color It will give you lots of good hits, sometimes even one slash kills!ĭuring multiplayer mode, press shift + ~ this will open the console where you can enter various codes and binds. When you are in a light saber duel, use the A and D keys so you move left and right.

When you are about to fight a Shadow Trooper, force grip them and while they are being held in the air, throw your lightsaber at them. MoveSpeed - you move faster while swinging The others work the same just change the last two words. There is a space between the command and the number. Then if you want a little more damage, hit 1 for a lot more damage or hit 2 or 3. Now if you want the saber to do more damage type g_saberRealisticCmbat (it is space and case sensitive). To improve the best weapon in the game hold the shift key and hit the ~ key. Npc spawn - Spawn Character (use list below) Select Lightsaber and turn it off (press 1 twice). Taunt - Kyle taunts (map to a key if you want) Stormtroopers and such will grab at their chopped off hand as they're dying. G_saberrealisticcombat 1 - when you use the lightsaber you'll now chop people in half, chop off their heads, etc. Jedi Mind Trick now possesses enemies, lots of fun. Setforceall 9 - this allows you all force powers, along with two new saber styles, and a new Jedi Mind Trick. Give X # - Give item X (# = amount)(X = weapon) Map (mapname) - Jump to map, see list below Give all - All Weapons and Health/ Armour at Max 5 for 1/2 speed, normal 1 or 2x speed at 2, etc Noclip - Enables player to fly though walls The cheat mode is now activated, so now enter the following codes:

After doing this the console will be brought down. While in the game push shift and the tilde key.
Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast PC cheats Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast PC cheats